The Four-fold Goddess

38"H x 12"W each, digital scratchboard illustrations; 2023.
The Eleusian Mysteries were one of the most popular religious cults of the ancient world. It is believed that initiates experienced the powerful cycles of death and rebirth as personified by four Goddesses as one: Kore—Waxing Moon: Daughter of innocence, maiden of flowers and the promise of Spring. The virgin whose sexuality is yet to come. Demeter—Full Moon: Great Mother of abundance who brings forth life and provides her children a harvest of plenty. She is the embodiment of fertility at it’s height. Persephone—Waining Moon: Consort and Queen of The Underworld, keeper of souls and Earth’s deep riches. She is the confident woman of desires fulfilled. Hecate—Dark Moon: Sovereign of the crossroads, ruler of magic and guardian at the threshold to Mystery. The wise woman past her fertile years has other work to do. Love, then, is a journey as well as a fulfillment. The journey makes a cycle through life, and teaches us about growth through change on the way to becoming whole.

The Sacred Union Triptych

3 panels: 23"H x 16"W each, digital scratchboard illustration printed on canvas, 2023. Three pairs of lovers find Love as rapture; Love as union with the divine—in each other; Love as a transformative and holy act— between consenting adults.

Images from the forthcoming
"Craft of the Wise" Tarot Deck


The Witch

The Goddess

The Priestess

The God

Jar Candles
Packaging design with illustrations for The Spirit Parlour

Yule Card Illustrations
Mother Berchta and Krampus are both figures from Germanic Folklore,
The Yule Goat (Julbocken) is well known in Scandinavian and Slavic lands.
Together, they are not quite your usual Santa Claus.

Illustrations for children's book "Snowdrop"
Written by Steven Posch
10 inch square, scratchboards with colored washes.
10 inch square, scratchboards with colored washes.

Mandala Greeting Cards
Scratchboard art, colored digitally, printed as greeting cards. Each card has a space at the bottom front for personalization. Blank insides.

Wild Girls
Cover Design & interior illustrations.
Written by Patricia Monaghan. Published by Creatrix Publishing, LLC.
Written by Patricia Monaghan. Published by Creatrix Publishing, LLC.

Book Covers
Just a few of the many book covers I have both designed and illustrated.

Astrological Greeting Cards
Originally painted for Llewellyn's 1997 Astrological Calendar, now available as greeting cards.










